Sex and Porn addiction

What is Sex/porn addiction

Like most addictions, being addicted to sex and porn can cause severe consequences not only in your relationships but also in your personal life.

Some common questions I hear that I can help with are:

-How did this happen?

-Am I a bad person?

-What can I do?

The good news is that help is available and no, you aren’t a bad person. My clients often come from a childhood where they either experienced trauma, neglect, abuse or simply weren’t taught the skills every child needs to be taught to grow and learn. There’s a process to not only heal yourself but also repair any hurt relationships along the way.

Recovery is possible

Recovery is very achievable. As a CSAT(Certified Sex Addiction Therapist) I’ve helped numerous individuals reach their goals, repair relationships, and free themselves from the prison that is addiction. As a CSAT I introduce task work that has shown to be very effective in treating sex addiction. I also help you deal with underlying trauma that is very common in this kind of addiction.

I work with addicts as well as betrayed partners. Betrayed partners often say “I don’t need help, I didn’t do anything wrong”. The truth is that betrayal trauma is like other traumas in that it has a profound effect on you. Partners of experience elevated levels of mistrust in all areas of the relationship, triggers, anxiety, depression, and other problematic symptoms. If you are struggling with betrayal trauma, I can help you put the pieces back together.