
“It’s not just being sad”

We’ve all seen the commercial that talks about depression being more than “just being sad”. Depression is indeed a more complex concern which often makes it difficult to treat, but not impossible. There are several effective and evidence-based treatments for depression that I utilize as a therapist.

Depression can look like a lack of motivation, loss of interest in formerly enjoyed activities, difficulty sleeping, thoughts of worthlessness or hopelessness, and more.

Does any of this sound familiar?

-I know the right thing to do, but I just don’t have the motivate

-I’m my own worst critic

-I can’t stand hearing nice things about myself

-I don’t like who I am

-No matter what I do, I don’t have any energy or motivation

-Everyone around me has it together

If any of those statements resonated with you, it might be time to address them. These are commonly known as core beliefs and they’re commonly the things that keep you down. These beliefs come from you but the nice thing is that if they come from you, they are also fixable by you. Counseling can help identify, challenge, and change these beliefs. If this sounds like you, it might be time to reach out.

Recovery is possible

Depression can be a thief of truth. I often work with clients who are depressed and have a skewed and inaccurate view of themselves. Part of recovery is coming to a place where you can identify, challenge, and change the lies you’ve believed about yourself for so long.